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Hi, I am Shirley Bosman!

I am a healing facilitator specialising in Scar Tissue Release Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy, Hormonal Therapy, TMJ Therapy, Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analysing and Access Consciousness. I enjoy living a creative life that pushes my boundaries. I am passionate about alternative methods of healing, particularly taking a multi-dimensional approach to achieve this. I am honoured to be a part of my client’s journey back to health. Every client is unique and every session is a deeply moving experience. I possess an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and I find myself constantly researching and learning more about anatomy, pathology, natural medicine and the latest information on alternatives to allopathic methods. I am particularly interested in the intersection between mind, body and spirit and how that affects our wellbeing.

After 21 years of owning my own events business, I felt a growing concern that my purpose was not in line with my daily reality. In 2014 my daughter fell ill and landed herself in hospital. She was in coma for a month and it was then I sensed an urgent need to be in service to her, therefore I began my own personal healing journey in order to help my daughter as I did not agree with the language the doctors were speaking.

In 2014 I completed a course in nutrition followed by sport nutrition, which sent me on a trajectory of further study into Naturopathic Nutrition. In 2016, after an unfortunate accident in the gym where I cracked the discs on my L4, L5 and S1, I sought alternative treatments for back pain, which led me to Bowen Therapy. This healing modality not only helped me regain pain free mobility in my body but it also freed me from past traumatic memories and stuck emotions which were at the root cause of some of my health issues at the time and were eroding my sense of happiness. This profound healing inspired me to study and achieve Special Bowen Procedures Level 2, Importance of Symmetry, Hormonal Procedures, TMJ Course and Bowen Body Decoding Course.

In 2019 I became fascinated with how our minds can affect our behaviour and how we can harness its power to create the life of our dreams. This led me to study Neuro Plasticity. I have been applying these techniques to my life and to my clients ever since, with great success. Added to this I made an investment in advanced technology such as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) which can be an alluring option to treat diseases.  The treatment, which involves patients immersed in an oxygen chamber, breathing in 94% oxygen therefore speeding up the body’s healing process.  HBOT has a futuristic quality that appeals to patients and practitioners alike. I was drawn to the offering for its potential to improve clinical efficacy. However, it’s important to truly consider the real magnitude of change an HBOT investment is likely to produce in any clinic. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy was originally developed to aid scuba divers suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning or decompression sickness (also known as the bends).  Now, increased research has opened the door for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to be used for a multitude of different illnesses, from thermal burns to autism.

In my clinic, I use a combination of these healing modalities to help my clients resolve the physical, emotional and spiritual blocks that prevent them from feeling fully alive and healthy. My aim is to help you experience healing from the discomfort and pain that brought you to me and to assist you in finding freedom from the states that keep you from living your most joyful and effective life. Through our work together, you will become empowered to harness your own ability to heal yourself and feel more connected to the amazing wisdom that resides within you and your body.

As you know diseases can be complicated, painful and scary. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but during my studies and journey I have learned that the human body is capable of miraculous things. It is an intelligent system, deeply connected to our minds and the world around us.  Brilliantly designed to self-regulate and heal. By detoxing our environment, the air breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and the products we use we support the healing process. As we go beyond the physical and improve our inner environment our thoughts, beliefs and emotions we can shift our lives and health in powerful ways.  And it is all about faith, whether it is faith in God, faith in medicine, faith in our bodies ability to heal or a combination of all three.  If we believe it we can achieve it. We live in a world of infinite possibility. Choose and focus on a possibility that you want, don’t get sucked into the fear of what you don’t want.  We have the power to heal.

Welcome to VitaSana Wellness Centre. Your health is my passion.

I am passionate about what I do and I embrace my work with every fibre of my being.

Bowen Light Touch Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that encourages the body to correct itself. Bowen Therapy is a gentle, relaxing hands-on treatment that helps with a range of injuries and conditions, acute as well as chronic

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

A safe method of delivering more oxygen to the body under pressure. This pressure allows for greater oxygen absorption of 100% in the body compared to the 21% of the air we usually breath, thereby enhancing the body’s natural healing in a controlled atmospheric pressure chamber.

Health Assessment Scan

The Magnetic Resonance Analyzer scans and measures a series of known functions and their healthy electromagnetic ranges and records the current condition of each scanned function. This data is compared to the standard spectrum to see where it differs.

Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy

Naturopathic Nutrition is a holistic therapy which can treat a wide range of health problems with the use of whole and organic foods together with appropriate supplements and natural therapies in an effort to treat disease and help the body energise its own healing resources.

Just one session could improve your health

Book an appointment today & discover the healing that can be achieved with our treatments. We are able to assist with even just one session to assess your symptoms, apply the relevant treatment and let the results speak for themselves.

Interested in our treatments? Call  082 889 5354 to make an appointment