Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Meet Dorothy, our resident HBOT.

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (M-HBOT) is a safe method of delivering more oxygen to the body under pressure. This pressure allows for greater oxygen absorption of 100% in the body compared to the 21% of the air we usually breath, thereby enhancing the body’s natural healing in a controlled atmospheric pressure chamber. ​During M-HBOT session, the added pressure allows extra oxygen to be absorbed and transferred from the lungs into the blood, causing a greater saturation of blood oxygen levels. As this rich oxygenated blood makes its way to damaged tissue, extra oxygen is now readily available and can be dissolved into all of the body’s fluids, plasma, central nervous system, organs, muscles, lymph and the bone which would normally be transported throughout the body by only the red blood cells. This increased oxygen is also transported to areas where circulation is blocked or diminished and can potentially be utilised for enhancing tissue repair and regeneration while still providing its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects by positively influencing white blood cells and allowing for new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas therefore supporting the body in its own healing process.

Lack of oxygen and blood flow to cells plus inflammation makes it harder for cells to produce the energy needed to repair, regenerate and keep the body healthy and functioning properly. M-HBOT facilitates a number of positive physiological, biochemical and cellular effects and is the most trusted way to increase oxygen levels throughout all organs, cells and systems of the body. Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (M-HBOT) is simple, painless and non-invasive providing extra oxygen naturally and with minimal side effects.

One of the most recent and greatest medical discoveries belong to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, United States whereby they have shown that Hyperbaric Oxygen increases the production of stem cells in the body by approximately 800%. Stem cells have a key role in the healing process, repairing your body tissues and affected organs.

Age-related diseases are a growing worldwide concern but in medical studies the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (M-HBOT) treatments have shown to help combat this degeneration by contributing to the regeneration of tissue and blood vessels. M-HBOT is utilised by some physicians to help treat Coronary Heart Disease, Macular Degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis and immune-related diseases.

Additionally, M-HBOT helps promote collagen activation to help battle the signs of ageing including skin damage and elasticity. Clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of M-HBOT for age-related degenerative conditions by providing cellular aid to all organs in the body to promote health and beauty.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been medically shown to facilitate healing from injury and surgery, reduces inflammation, and decreases ligament and tissue healing time. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to treat several conditions, research is still inconclusive for some conditions, however, it’s rare not to respond at all to M-HBOT.

There are a number of recognized diagnoses and conditions treatable with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:

  • Conditions resulting from cancer treatments and radiation damage
  • Infections in tissue, muscle, bone, or skin, including drug-resistant infections
  • Sores and gangrene that will not heal or are related to diabetes
  • Surgical sites with grafts or flaps
  • Bones and/or tissues that are difficult to heal
  • Acute severe problems from accidents, crushing injuries (e.g. crushed leg, arm, fingers)
  • Rare conditions such as decompression sickness, anemia, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning or emboli from air or gas
  • Swelling of the brain, cerebral edema

Research also supports using M-HBOT for “off-label” conditions, including: athletic injuries and performance, arthritis, autism, attention deficit disorder, auto-immune disorders, Bell’s Palsy, brain and head injuries, cardiovascular disease, cerebral palsy, Crohn’s disease, dermatological conditions, diabetes, dementia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, Lyme disease, learning disabilities, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, near drowning, neuropathies, pervasive development disorders, PTSD, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reconstructive surgery, spinal cord injury, stroke, Traumatic Brain injury and more.

How does hyperbaric oxygen help a child with cerebral palsy (CP) or traumatic brain injuries (TBI)?

In CP and TBI patients, some of the injured brain tissues may be “dormant” and non-functioning. HBOT can stimulate these “dormant” tissues and return them to more normal function.  In young children, cognitive function and spasticity can be improved. According to the research to date, all children with cerebral palsy respond to M-HBOT, however, the degree of response varies significantly from person to person. In some children, the response is immediate and dramatic, with major gains, and in others, the response is slow and steady, with the greatest improvements after 100+ sessions in the chamber.

​Athletes will also benefit from using MHBOT by aiding in their recovery time and ensuring they perform at their peaks consistently.

Examples of research showing the benefits of M-HBOT:

  • Sports injuries
  • Facial nerve regeneration
  • Severe anemia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Autism in children
  • Benefits for children
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Lyme’s disease
  • Post-concussion syndrome

Vita Sana Hyperbarics does not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. While Mild Hyperbaric OxygenTtherapy may enhance healing, it does not replace a health professional’s prescribed medications or recommended treatments.


My name is Kim Kelly and I was diagnosed with chronic Gillian Barre syndrome over 10 years ago. It’s an auto immune disease that attacks the nerves and destroys the myelin sheath around the nerve ending. Otherwise known as C.I.D.P (Chronic Inflammatory Demylanating Polyneuropathy). I was a quadriplegic at one point but I’ve healed alot since the onset through treatments and physiotherapy. It’s been a tough journey in and out of hospitals for treatments every time a relapse occurred which was once a year. The treatments were a polygam medication which ran over a 5 day course intravenously or plasmapheresis, these treatments stopped the total relapse which would have left me a Quadriplegic again. Not much changed though I’ve regained the use of my arms and although I use a wheelchair everyday I’m able to walk a bit with crutches. The illness has a draining effect on ones body. You are extremely fatigued which is one of my major problems, regardless of the wheelchair dependance. Pins and needles which become excruciatingly painful occur every so often.
Last year my mother in law told me about Vita Sana and how Shirley helped her with Bowen Therapy and that Shirley was getting a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and suggested I try it because it can repair nerve damage by nearly 80% so I went last year and from the first treatment I felt rejuvenated and my overpowering fatigue was gone. I could now lift the kettle to make myself a cup of tea. I had energy for the first time in many years. The oxygen lasts quite long in the bloodstream. I felt rejuvenated and people noticed the shine in my face. Initially I went for hyperbaric oxygen sessions weekly for the first month. The improvement was amazing. I went for my annual checkup with my neurologist whom I respect very much as he has saved me more times than I can count. He noted an improvement in the strength of my arms, legs as well as my hands which I didn’t even notice. I hardly get the pins and needles sensation in my limbs anymore and I feel as though my general health has improved and after getting proof from my Neurologist, who’s been my practitioner since the onset of my illness, that I have experienced major improvement, I know for sure that the hyperbaric oxygen chamber at Vita Sana works. I have been recommending it to everyone I know. People have even commented that my skin seems to be glowing and that I look more youthful. I no longer require the polygam medication or plasmapheresis treatments. I will continue with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy as required. It’s all natural and leaves me feeling great! I will definitely recommend this treatment to everyone.

Thanks Vita Sana…thank you Shirley.

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