Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that encourages the body to correct itself. Bowen Therapy is a gentle, relaxing hands-on treatment that helps with a range of injuries and conditions, acute as well as chronic
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
A safe method of delivering more oxygen to the body under pressure. This pressure allows for greater oxygen absorption of 100% in the body compared to the 21% of the air we usually breath, thereby enhancing the body’s natural healing in a controlled atmospheric pressure chamber.
Health Assessment Scan
The Magnetic Resonance Analyzer scans and measures a series of known functions and their healthy electromagnetic ranges and records the current condition of each scanned function. This data is compared to the standard spectrum to see where it differs.
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy
Naturopathic Nutrition is a holistic therapy which can treat a wide range of health problems with the use of whole and organic foods together with appropriate supplements and natural therapies in an effort to treat disease and help the body energise its own healing resources.
Treatment Pricing
Bowen Therapy
starting price
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
starting price
Health Assessment Scan
starting price
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Therapy
Access Consciousness
Starting Price
Lymph Drainage
starting price